Hepatitis C in Maternal/Infant Dyads in the Northwest LHIN
(September 2019 - Present) This quality assurance project aims to 1) assess regional-level estimates of hepatitis C infections in pregnancy, the occurrence of treatment, and hepatitis B vaccination in pregnant women and; 2) give [...]
A Systematic Review of the Lived Experience of 2S-LGBTQ+ Indigenous Youth and Programs that Address Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention
(2015 - Present) A scoping review was conducted on existing mental health and/or substance use services, suicide and self-harm prevention and school-based programs for Indigenous 2S-LGBTQ+ youth living in Canada, the United States, Australia, [...]
Hearing Our Voices: An Indigenous Women’s Reproductive Health Curriculum
(November 2016 - Present) A web-based curriculum in the social determinants of Indigenous women’s reproductive health was developed in partnership with 11 Indigenous women’s organizations from across Canada. Each organization chose an individual to represent [...]
Cost-Analysis of Patient Health Expenditures for Standard Obstetric Care vs. Telemedicne for Obstetric Care in Rural and Remote Places in Northwestern Ontario
(August 2017 - Present) Current cost-effectiveness analysis of telemedicine in obstetrics and other specialties of care have been mainly conducted from a healthcare system’s perspective. As these services are simply replacing in-person consultations with [...]
Maternal Addictions Continuum of Care (MACC) Program
(May 2019 - Present) The MACC aims to create an integrated care pathway for maternal care for five First Nations communities in the Shibogama Health Authority (Kasabonika, Kingfisher Lake, Wapekeka, Wawakapewin, Wunnumin Lake). The [...]
Maternal-infant Support Worker (MiSW) Program Evaluation
(September 2019 - Present) This study aims to evaluate the MiSW Program to understand the impact of the program for the women taking the program, for the women and families they work with, for [...]
Maternal-infant Support Worker (MiSW) Program
(January 2019 - Present) The MiSW program is a 20-week certificate program that prepares graduates to work with expectant mothers, their infants and families. The program aims to improve the care of mothers and [...]
Do Dis Seem Way Win: Traditional Birth Knowledge and Experiences in the Shibogama First Nations
(January 2020 - Present) Traditional midwives have been providing care to Indigenous women and their families long before the arrival of European settlers. These practices were taken from Indigenous communities as a result of [...]