(May 2019 – Present)
The MACC aims to create an integrated care pathway for maternal care for five First Nations communities in the Shibogama Health Authority (Kasabonika, Kingfisher Lake, Wapekeka, Wawakapewin, Wunnumin Lake). The care pathway is designed to improve the continuity of care for women living in rural and remote areas as they transition through the health and social services systems. This community-led project incorporates Indigenous world-views in all aspects of the research program development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of results. Group training sessions were provided to community health workers from each community, including culturally appropriate addiction program facilitation and traditional family parenting education, to be provided in their community. Further, regular group prenatal care education classes will be provided in the community by a community health worker, as well as weekly individual telehealth appointments with a licensed healthcare provider. The program is currently being piloted in Kingfisher Lake and Wunnumin Lake, and will be evaluated using pre- and post-program evaluation methods.

Research Team/Partners:
- Matthew Angees (Shibogama Health Authority)
- Naana Jumah (NOSM)
- Roxanne Turuba (Lakehead University)
- Sierra Tuesday (Shibogama Health Authority)
- Virginia Head (Shibogama Health Authority)
Shibogama First Nation Council Health Authority
The Physician’s Services Incorporated Foundation (2014 – ongoing) and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Embedded Clinician Research Salary Award (2017 – ongoing)