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Nurture North Logo


Erica Potestio


Erica is a research intern in the Women's Health department at the Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre.

Erica Potestio2024-11-13T14:44:32-05:00

Amal Osman


Amal Osman is an International Medical Graduate from UMST (Class of 2021), currently pursuing a Master Of Medical Studies Degree at NOSM University.

Amal Osman2024-08-23T11:11:07-04:00

Sarah Herst


Sarah is a 4th year medical student currently pursuing a career in obstetrics in gynecology.

Sarah Herst2024-08-23T11:11:07-04:00

A Systematic Review of the Lived Experience of 2S-LGBTQ+ Indigenous Youth and Programs that Address Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention


(2015 - Present) A scoping review was conducted on [...]

A Systematic Review of the Lived Experience of 2S-LGBTQ+ Indigenous Youth and Programs that Address Mental Wellness and Suicide Prevention2024-08-23T11:11:07-04:00

Cost-Analysis of Patient Health Expenditures for Standard Obstetric Care vs. Telemedicne for Obstetric Care in Rural and Remote Places in Northwestern Ontario


(August 2017 - Present) Current cost-effectiveness analysis of telemedicine [...]

Cost-Analysis of Patient Health Expenditures for Standard Obstetric Care vs. Telemedicne for Obstetric Care in Rural and Remote Places in Northwestern Ontario2024-08-23T11:11:07-04:00